Bateman, R.N. & Sexton, R. 2008. Is spur length of Platanthera species in the British Isles adaptively optimized or an evolutionary red herring? Watsonia 27, 1-21
Tennant, D.J. 2008. Small Cow-wheat Melampyrum sylvaticum L.; Scrophulariaceae in England. Watsonia 27, 23-36
Houston, L., Robertson, A. & Rich, T.C.G. 2008. The distribution, population size and growth of the rare English endemic Sorbus bristoliensis A. J. Wilmott, Bristol Whitebeam (Rosaceae). Watsonia 27, 37-49
Dean, M., Ashton, P.A., Hutcheon, K., Jermy, A.C. & Cayouette, J. 2008. Description, ecology and establishment of Carex salina Wahlenb. (Saltmarsh Sedge) – a new British species. Watsonia 27, 51-57
Sawtschuk, T., McCarthy, W. & Rich, T.C.G. 2008. Conservation of Britain’s biodiversity: Hieracium pseudoleyi (Asteraceae), Purple-flushed Hawkweed. Watsonia 27, 59-64
Notes. Watsonia 27 (2008), 65-72
- Kitchener, G.D. & Leslie, A.C. Epilobium tetragonum subsp. tournefortii naturalised in Britain.
- Webb, J. New Willow hybrid.
- Bailey, J.P., Kay, Q.O.N., Mcallister, H. & Rich, T.C.G. Chromosome numbers in Sorbus L. (Rosaceae) in the British Isles.
- Allen, D.E. Series reassignment of Rubus cerdicii.
Plant Records. Watsonia 27 (2008), 73-89
Obituaries. Watsonia 27 (2008), 91-97
- F.E. Crackles (1918-2007) by Peter Cook
- D.P. Stevens (1958-2007) by T.H. Blackstock & P.S. Jones
Cowan, R. S., Smith, R. J., Fay, M. F. & Rich, T. C. G. (2008). Genetic variation in Irish Whitebeam, Sorbus hibernica E. F. Warb. (Rosaceae) and its relationship to a Sorbus from the Menai Strait, North Wales. Watsonia 27, 99-108
Sawtschuk, J. & Rich, T.C.G. 2008. Conservation of Britain’s biodiversity: status of the two Wye Valley endemics Hieracium pachyphylloides, Carboniferous Hawkweed and H. vagicola, Tutshill Hawkweed (Asteraceae). Watsonia 27, 109-118
Rich, T.C.G. & McCosh, D.J. 2008. The status of Hieracium arranense and H. sannoxense (Asteraceae), two endemic hawkweeds from the Isle of Arran, Scotland. Watsonia 27, 119-125
Lansdown R.V. 2008. Red Duckweed (Lemna turionifera Landolt) new to Britain. Watsonia 27, 127-130
Foley, M.J.Y. 2008. John Fitz-Roberts: A little-known seventeenth century botanist. Watsonia 27, 131-141
Pearman, D.A. 2008. The status of Coral-necklace Illecebrum verticillatum L. (Caryophyllaceae) in Great Britain. Watsonia 27, 143-148
Smith, P.H. 2008. Corynephorus canescens (L.) P. Beauv. (Grey Hair-grass) on the Sefton Coast, Merseyside (v.c. 59). Watsonia 27, 149-157
Smith, P.H. 2008. Population explosion of Hypochaeris glabra L. on the Sefton Coast, Merseyside in 2007. Watsonia 27, 159-166
Notes. Watsonia 27 (2008), 167-170
- Viper’s-grass Scorzonera humilis L. at Wareham Meadows, Dorset. M. Gurney
Plant Records. Watsonia 27 (2008), 171-187
Book reviews. Watsonia 27 (2008), 189–198
Obituaries. Watsonia 27 (2008), 199-206
- John Gregory Hawkes (1915-2007), by J.R. Akeroyd
- John Ounsted (1919-2007), by Simon J. Leach
- Peter Charles Hall (1917-2008), by Clive Stace
Rich, T.C.G., and Proctor, M.C.F. 2009. Some new British and Irish Sorbus L. taxa (Rosaceae). Watsonia 27, 207–216
Rich, T.C.G., Harris, S.A. and Hiscock, S.J. 2009. Five new Sorbus (Rosaceae) taxa from the Avon Gorge, England. Watsonia 27: 217–228
Conaghan, J.P. & Sheehy Skeffington, M. 2009. The distribution and conservation of Eriophorum gracile Koch ex Roth (Cyperaceae), Slender Cotton-grass, in Ireland. Watsonia 27, 229-238
Chiapella, J.O. 2009. Neotypification of Aira setacea Hudson (Poaceae). Watsonia 27, 239-242
Notes: Watsonia 27 (2009), 243-257
- Allen, D.E. Species of British Rubus L. (Rosaceae) in Maine and North Brittany, France.
- Bull, A.L. The status of Rubus babingtonianus W.C.R. Watson (Rosaceae).
- Stace, C.A. Eleven new combinations in the British Flora.
- Walker, K.J., Ward, S. & Parr, S. The re-discovery of Arenaria norvegica subsp. norvegica in Ireland.
- Water-borne dispersal of Cardamine bulbifera (L.) Crantz (Brassicaceae) in Mid-west Yorkshire (v.c. 64). Walker, K.J.
- Walker, K.J. Cirsium x semidecurrens H. Richter in Glamorgan.
- Humphrey, T., Taylor, C., Rich, T.C.G. & Hipkin, C.R. Vascular plants from Swansea University Herbarium (UCSA) now incorporated into the Welsh National Herbarium (NMW).
Plant Records. Watsonia 27 (2009), 259-272
Book Reviews. Watsonia 27 (2009), 273-276
Obituaries. Watsonia 27 (2009), 277-282
- Terence Charles Ernest Wells (1935-2008) by Lynne Farrell
- John Francis Michael Cannon (1930-2008) by John Edmondson
Houston, L., Robertson, A., Jones, K., Smith, S.C.C., & Hiscock, S.J. (2009) An account of the Whitebeams (Sorbus L., Rosaceae) of Cheddar Gorge, England, with description of three new species. Watsonia 27, 283-300
Rich, T. C. G., Charles, C., Houston, L. & Tillotson, A. (2009). The diversity of Sorbus L. (Rosaceae) in the Lower Wye Valley. Watsonia 27, 301-313
Bradshaw, M.E. 2009. The decline of Lady's-mantles (Alchemilla vulgaris L. agg.) and other hay meadow species in Northern England since the 1950s. Watsonia 27, 315-321
Shimwell, D.W. 2009. Studies in the floristic diversity of Durham walls, 1958–2008. Watsonia 27, 323-338
Smith, P.H. 2009. Distribution, status and ecology of Blysmus compressus (L.) Panz. ex Link on the Sefton Coast sand-dunes, Merseyside. Watsonia 27, 339-353
Foley, M.J.Y. 2009. Some localised early plant records from North-west England: then and now. Watsonia 27, 355-364
Foley, M.J.Y. 2009. The Svalbard plant collection in the Arctic Herbarium at the University of Lancaster (LANC). Watsonia 27, 365-368
Notes: Watsonia 27 (2009), 369-374
- Three more new combinations in the British Flora. C.A. Stace.
- Validation of names for new Avon Gorge Sorbus (Rosaceae) taxa. T.C.G. Rich.
- Reinstatement of the name Dactylorhiza kerryensis (Wilmott) P.F. Hunt & Summerh. for the Western Marsh Orchid, and a new varietal combination. M. Jebb.
- A new nothospecies in Symphytum L. (Boraginaceae). C.L. O’Reilly & R.M. Leaney.
Plant Records. Watsonia 27 (2009), 375-397
Book Reviews. Watsonia 27, 389–392