Briggs, D. & Gorringe, E. 2002. The struggle to produce a Flora of the British Isles (1933–1952). Watsonia 24, 1-15
Abbott, R.J. & James J.K., Forbes, D.G. & Comes, H.P. 2002. Hybrid origin of the Oxford Ragwort, Senecio squalidus L.: morphological and allozyme differences between S. squalidus and S. rupestris Waldst. and Kit. Watsonia 24, 17-29
Harris, S.A. 2002. Introduction of Oxford Ragwort, Senecio squalidus L. (Asteraceae), to the United Kingdom. Watsonia 24, 31–43
Rasmussen, K.K. & Lawesson, J.E. 2002. Lycopodiella inundata in British plant communities and reasons for its decline. Watsonia 24, 45–55
Rich, T.C.G. & Fitzgerald, R. 2002. Life cycle, ecology and distribution of Schoenoplectus triqueter (L.) Palla (Cyperaceae), Triangular Club-rush, in Britain and Ireland. Watsonia 24, 57–67
Rich, T.C.G. & Lockton, A.J. 2002. Bromus interruptus (Hack.) Druce (Poaceae)–an extinct English endemic. Watsonia 24, 69–80
Pearman, D.A. & Edwards, B. 2002. Valerianella eriocarpa Desv. in Dorset, and a reassessment of its status as a presumed introduction in Britain. Watsonia 24, 81–89
Fay, M.F., Gernandt, D.S. & Cowan, R.S. 2002. Parentage of an unknown member of the Sorbus latifolia (Lam.) Pers. group (Rosaceae). Watsonia 24, 91–100
Rich, T.G.C. 2002. Conservation of Britain’s biodiversity: Hieracium asteridiophyllum and H. cillense (Asteraceae). Watsonia 24, 101–106
Notes. Watsonia 24, 107-112
- A new bramble of Northumbria and the Scottish borders. G.H. Ballantyne
- A new name in the British flora: Persica x fennica (Reiersen) Stace. C.A. Stace
- The re-appearance of Lobelia urens L. from soil seed bank at a site in South Devon. R.E.N. Smith
Book Reviews. Watsonia 24, 113-121
Obituaries & Report. Watsonia 24, 123-132
Halliday, G. 2002. Presidential address: The British Flora in the Arctic. Watsonia 24, 133-144
Dines, T.D. & Bonner, I.R. 2002. A new hybrid horsetail, Equisetum arvense x E. telmateia (E. x robertsii) in Britain. Watsonia 24, 145-157
Gimingham, C.H., Welch, D. & Clement, E.J. 2002. A large population of Plagiobothrys scouleri (Boraginaceae) in north-east Scotland, and notes on occurrences elsewhere in Britain. Watsonia 24, 159-169
Diaz, A. & Kite, D.C. 2002. A comparison of the pollination ecology of Arum maculatum and A. italicum in England. Watsonia 24, 171-181
Rich, T.G.C. et al. 2002. Distribution and population sizes of Asparagus prostratus Dumort., Wild Asparagus, in Britain. Watsonia 24, 183-192
Spalton, L.M. 2002. An analysis of the characters of Bromus racemosus L., B. commutatus Schrad. and B. secalinus L. (Poaceae). Watsonia 24, 193-202
Bryant, J.A., Stewart, N.F. & Stace, C.A. 2002. A checklist of Characeae of the British Isles. Watsonia 24, 203-208
Kitchener, G.D. 2002. Rumex x xenogenus Rech. fil. (Polygonaceae), the hybrid between Greek and Patience Docks, found in Britain. Watsonia 24, 209-213
Notes. Watsonia 24 (2002), 215-225
- The enigma of montane Sagina maritima Don. R.W.M. Corner
- Observations on introgression between Carex nigra and Carex bigelowii (Cyperaceae). R.W.M. Corner
- A third list of British species of Rubus L. (Rosaceae) in north-west France. D.E. Allen
- Nomenclatural complexities in publications of Sudre and Bouvet on Rubus L. (Rosaceae). D.E. Allen
- Range extensions for Rubus rhombifolius Weihe ex Boenn. and Rubus babingtonianus W.C.R. Watson in East Anglia. A.L. Bull
Plant Records. Watsonia 24 (2002), 227-250
Book reviews. Watsonia 24 (2002), 251–256
Obituaries. Watsonia 24 (2002), 257–270
- David McClintock (1913-2001), by Alan Leslie
- Lily Breda Burt (1918-2001), by Mary Briggs
- Andrew John Cadoux Malloch (1945-2001), by Geoffrey Halliday
- Andrew A. Dudman (1930-2001), G. Halliday & A.J. Richards
- Humphry John Moule Bowen (1929-2001), by S.L. Jury
Allen, D.E. 2003. Four centuries of local Flora-writing: some milestones. Watsonia 24, 271-280
Chater, A.O. 2003. The treatment of infraspecific taxa in local Floras. Watsonia 24, 281-286
Preston, C.D. 2003. Perceptions of change in English county Floras, 1660-1960. Watsonia 24, 287-304
Walker, K.J. 2003. Using data from local floras to assess floristic change. Watsonia 24, 305-319
Hill, M.O. 2003. Using data from local floras for ecological research. Watsonia 24, 321-329
Jonsell, B. 2003. Swedish provincial floras - a survey of their history and present status. Watsonia 24, 331-336
Greenwood, E.F. 2003. Understanding change: a Lancashire perspective. Watsonia 24, 337-350
Ashton, P.A. 2003. A New Flora of v.c. 59 (South Lancashire): a progress report. Watsonia 24, 351-357
Walker, K.J. 2003. One species lost every year? An evaluation of plant extinctions in selected British vice-counties since 1900. Watsonia 24, 359-374
Lowe, A.J. & Abbott, R.J. 2003. A new British species, Senecio eboracensis (Asteraceae), another hybrid derivative of Senecio vulgaris L. and S. squalidus L. Watsonia 24, 375-388
Demars, B.O.L. & Gornall, R.J. 2003. Identification of British species of Callitriche by means of isozymes. Watsonia 24, 389-399
Rich, T.C.H. & Pryor, K.V. 2003. Galeopsis segetum Neck. (Lamiaceae), Downy Hemp-nettle: native or introduced in Britain? Watsonia 24, 401-411
Gibson, D.J. & Taylor, I. 2003. Performance of Festuca arundinacea Schreb. (Poaceae) populations in England. Watsonia 24, 413-426
Welch, D. 2003. A reconsideration of the native status of Linnaea borealis L. (Caprifoliaceae) in lowland Scotland. Watsonia 24, 427-432
Fay, M.F., Cowan, R.S. & Simpson, D.A. 2003. Hybridisation between Schoenoplectus tabernaemontani and S. triqueter (Cyperaceae) in the British Isles. Watsonia 24, 433-442
Newton, A. & Randall, R.D. 2003. A Devon and Somerset Bramble (Rosaceae: Rubus L. subgen. Rubus) revived. Watsonia 24, 443-446
Notes. Watsonia 24 (2003), 447-453
- Creeping inflation in the length of English county Floras 1730-1960. C.D. Preston & K.J. Walker.
- Ploidy of Primula farinosa L. revisited. D.J. Hambler
- New records for Fallopia x conollyana: is it truly such a rarity? J.P. Bailey & M. Spencer
Book reviews. Watsonia 24 (2003), 455-459
Obituaries. Watsonia 24 (2003), 461-465
- Elizabeth Winsome Woodward (1924-2002), by A.J. Willis
- Knut Faegri (1909-2001), by H.J.B. Birks & H.H. Birks
- Anne Beatrice Mary Brewis (1911-2002), by D.E. Allen
AGM Report. Watsonia 24 (2003), 467-468
Leach, S.J. & Pearman, D.A. 2003. An assessment of the status of Gaudinia fragilis (L.) P. Beauv. (Poaceae) in the British Isles. Watsonia 24, 469-487
Nelson, E.C. 2003. Wisbech and Fenland Museum herbarium (WBCH): a history with a list of collectors. Watsonia 24, 489-498
Karran, A.B. & Rich, T.C.G. 2003. Geographical and temporal distributions of Alyssum alyssoides and Berteroa incana (Brassicaceae) in the British Isles and the relationship to their modes of introduction. Watsonia 24, 499-506
Fay, M.F., O’Rourke, A. & Rich, T.C.G. 2003. A preliminary investigation of genetic variation in Western European Carex depauperata Curtis ex With. (Cyperaceae), Starved Wood-sedge. Watsonia 24, 507-511
Rich, T.C.G. & Hand, S.O. 2003. Conservation of Britain’s biodiversity: Hieracium snowdoniense (Asteraceae), Snowdonia Hawkweed. Watsonia 24, 513-518
Kitchener, G.D. 2003. A new Epilobium (Onagraceae) hybrid: Epilobium brunnescens (Cockayne) Raven & Engelhorn x Epilobium parviflorum Schreber (E. x argillaceum). Watsonia 24, 519-523
Grant, M.L. 2003. A new, purple-leaved form of Poa annua L. (Poaceae) is a cryptic weed. Watsonia 24, 525-526
Notes. Watsonia 24 (2003), 527-538
- A specimen of “Cochlearia conferta” in the herbarium of the University of Birmingham. M.F. Godfrey
- Carex muricata L. subsp. muricata (Cyperaceae) in Shropshire. S.J. Whild & A.J. Lockton
- A new hybrid binomial in Narcissus L. A.O. Chater & C.A. Stace.
- Typificatino and the correct citation of the name Geranium purpureum Vill. subsp. forsteri (Wilmott) H.G. Baker. P.F. Yeo
- Observations on Bromopsis benekenii (Lange) Holub in Britain. L.M. Spalton
Plant Records. Watsonia 24 (2003), 539-579
Book reviews. Watsonia 24 (2003), 581-586
Obituaries. Watsonia 24 (2003), 587-594
- Margaret Cannon (1928-2002), by Edmund Launert
- Joyce Smith (1920-2002), by A.C. Leslie
- John Charles Bowra (1918-2002), by Pamela J. Copson
- Norman Alan Burges (1911-2002), by Vernon Heywood
- Enid Mary Hyde (1925-2002), by M.N. Sanford