Mountford, J.O. 1994. Floristic change in English grazing marshes: the impact of 150 years of drainage and land-use change. Watsonia 20, 3-24
Mountford, J.O. 1994. Problems in reconstructing floristic change: interpreting the sources for English grazing marshes. Watsonia 20, 25-31
Birkinshaw, C.R. 1994. Aspects of the ecology and conservation of Damasonium alisma Miller in Western Europe. Watsonia 20, 33-39
Sell, P.D. 1994. Ranunculus ficaria L. sensu lato. Watsonia 20, 41-50
Crackles, F.E., 1994, Calamagrostis stricta (Timm) Koeler, C. canescens (Wigg.) Roth and their hybrid in S.E. Yorks., v.c. 61, northern England. Watsonia 20, 51-60
Notes. Watsonia 20 (1994), 61-71
- Allen, D.E. Rubus aghadergensis D.E. Allen (Rosaceae): a new name for an Irish bramble.
- Fryer, J. & Hylmo, B. The native British Cotoneaster - Great Orme Berry - renamed.
- Dempsey, R.E., Gornall, R.J. & Bailey, J.P. Contributions to a cytological catalogue of the British and Irish flora.
- Parnell, J. Variation and hybridisation of Alnus Miller in Ireland.
- Rich, T.G.C. Pedicularis sylvatica L. subsp. hibernica D.A. Webb (Scrophulariaceae) new to Wales.
Book Reviews. Watsonia 20 (1994), 73-83
- Nelson, E.C., 1994, Rev. of The concise Oxford dictionary of botany (ed by M. Allaby), Watsonia, 20, 1, 73
- Burbidge, R.B., 1994, Rev. of Wild orchids of Scotland (by B. Allan & P.J.B. Woods with S. Clarke (photgr)), Watsonia, 20, 1, 73-74
- Dickinson, N.M., 1994, Rev. of The vegetation of ultramafic (serpentine) soils (ed by A.J.M. Baker, J. Proctor & R.D. Reeves), Watsonia, 20, 1, 74-75
- Nelson, E.C., 1994, Rev. of The eternal yew (by T. Baxter), Watsonia, 20, 1, 75-76
- Nelson, E.C., 1994, Rev. of The yew tree. A thousand whispers. Biography of a species ( by H. Hartzell), Watsonia, 20, 1, 75-76
- Burtt, B.L., 1994, Rev. of Phylogeny and classification of the orchid family (by R.L. Dressler), Watsonia, 20, 1, 76-77
- Rich, T.C.G., 1994, Rev. of Kvìtena Èeske (Flora of the Czech Republic) Vols 1-3 (ed by S. Hejny & B. Slavik), Watsonia, 20, 1, 77
- Edmondson, J.R., 1994, Rev. of Nouvelle flore de la Belgique, du nord de la France et des régions voisines. 4th ed. (by J. Lambinon, J.-E. de Langhe, L. Delvosalle & J. Duvigneaud), Watsonia, 20, 1, 77-78
- Chater, A.O., 1994, Rev. of The fern guide. A field guide to the ferns, clubmosses, quillworts and horsetails of the British Isles (by J. Merryweather & M. Hill), Watsonia, 20, 1, 78-79
- McMillan, N.F., 1994, Rev. of Supplement to the Flora of Cheshire (by A. Newton), Watsonia, 20, 1, 79
- Briggs, M., 1994, Rev. of Marianne North at Kew Gardens (by L. Ponsonby), Watsonia, 20, 1, 79-80
- Cullen, J., 1994, Rev. of Stearn's dictionary of plant names for gardeners (by W.T. Stearn), Watsonia, 20, 1, 80
- Hackney, P., 1994, Rev. of Red data books of Britain and Ireland: Stoneworts (by N.F. Stewart & J.M. Church), Watsonia, 20, 1, 80-81
- Prance, G.T., 1994, Rev. of Flora Europaea. Vol. 1: 2nd ed. (ed by T.G. Tutin et al. with J.R. Akeroyd & M.E. Newton), Watsonia, 20, 1, 81-82
- Mill, R.R., 1994, Rev. of Origin and geography of cultivated plants (by N.I. Vavilov with D. Löve (trans.) & A.A. Filatenko), Watsonia, 20, 1, 82-83
Reports. Watsonia 20 (1994), 85-87
Chapman, S,B. & Rose, R.J. 1994. Changes in the distribution of Erica ciliaris L. and E. x watsonii Benth. in Dorset, 1963-1987. Watsonia 20, 89-95
Jones, A.T. & Evans, P.R. 1994. A comparison of the growth and morphology of native and commercially obtained continental European Crataegus monogyna Jacq. (Hawthorn) at an upland site. Watsonia 20, 97-103
Cherrill, A.J.; Lane, A.M., 1994, Bracken (Pteridium aquilinum (L.) Kuhn) infestation of rough grazing land in the catchment of the River Tyne, northern England. Watsonia 20, 105-114
Field, M.H. 1994. The status of Bupleurum falcatum L. (Apiaceae) in the British flora. Watsonia 20, 115-117
Dudman, A.A. 1994. Seven new species of Taraxacum Wigg. (Asteraceae), native to the British Isles. Watsonia 20, 119-132
Newton, A.; Porter, M., 1994, New species of Rubus L. (Rosaceae) from Wales and the Welsh Marches. Watsonia 20, 133-141
Allen, D.E., 1994, Four new Anglo-Sarnian species of Rubus L. (Rosaceae). Watsonia 20, 143-151
Short Notes. Watsonia 20 (1994), 153-156
- Preston, C.D., 1994, Juncus effusus var. spiralis J. McNab in the Inner Hebrides, Watsonia, 20, 2, 153-154
- Wilson, D.E.; Ingram, G.I.C., 1994, Distribution of Lady Orchid (Orchis purpurea Hudson) in an East Kent wood, Watsonia, 20, 2, 154-156
Book Reviews. Watsonia 20 (1994), 157-166
- Briggs, M., 1994, Rev of Mediterranean wild flowers (by M. Blamey & C. Grey-Wilson), Watsonia, 20, 2, 157
- Knees, S.G., 1994, Rev. of The genera of the Umbelliferae (by M.G. Pimenov & M.V. Leonov), Watsonia, 20, 2, 157-158
- Baecker, M., 1994, Rev. of The Flora of Ditchley: wild flowers of an Oxfordshire estate (by A.J. Dunn), Watsonia, 20, 2, 158
- Allen, D.E., 1994, Rev. of The Wiltshire Flora (ed by B. Gillam), Watsonia, 20, 2, 158-160
- Sanford, M.N., 1994, Rev. of Roses of Great Britain and Ireland: BSBI handbook No. 7 (by G.G. Graham & A.L. Primavesi), Watsonia, 20, 2, 160-161
- Urmi, E., 1994, Rev. of Atlas of bryophytes of Britain and Ireland - Vols 1 & 2 (ed by M.O. Hill, C.D. Preston & A.J.E. Smith), Watsonia, 20, 2, 161-162
- Edmondson, J.R., 1994, Rev. of The families and genera of vascular plants. Vol. 2: Flowering plants (ed by K. Kubitzki, J.G. Rohweder & M. Bittrich)), Watsonia, 20, 2, 162-163
- Gibbs, P.E., 1994, Rev. of Algarve plants and landscape (by D.J. Mabberley & P.J. Placito), Watsonia, 20, 2, 163-164
- Stark, G., 1994, Rev. of Scandinavian ferns (by B. Øllgard with K. Tind (illstr)), Watsonia, 20, 2, 164
- Binggeli, P., 1994, Rev. of The release of genetically-engineered organisms (ed by B. Shorrocks & D. Coates), Watsonia, 20, 2, 164-165
- Richardson, P.M., 1994, Rev. of Flora of Northumberland (by G.A. Swan), Watsonia, 20, 2, 165-166
Obituaries. Watsonia 20 (1994), 167-180
- Heywood, V.H., 1994, Obit of Peter Hadland Davis (1918-1992)
- Harrison, P., 1994, Recollections of Peter Davis
- Bowen, H.J.M., 1994, Obit. of Ronald D'Oyley Good (1896-1992)
- Milne-Redhead, E., 1994, Obit. of Sonia C. Holland (1912-1993)
- Dudley-Smith, S., 1994, Sonia Holland: in memoriam
- Akeroyd, J.R., 1994, Obit. of Brian Thomas Styles (1934-1993)
- Conolly, A., 1994, Obit. of Irene Mary Vaughan (1889-1993)
- Briggs, M., 1994, Obit. of Edgar Dunstan Wiggins (1911-1993)
Reports. Watsonia 20 (1994) 181-183
Perring, F.H., 1995, Presidential Address, 1994. Druce in Northamptonshire. Watsonia 20, 185-194
Bunting, M.J.; Briggs, D.; Block, M., 1995, The Cambridge British Flora (1914-1920). Watsonia 20, 195-204
Comes, H.P. 1995. Senecio vulgaris L. subsp. denticulatus (O.F. Muell.) P.D. Sell and S. vulgaris subsp. vulgaris var. vulgaris on Jersey (Channel Isles). Watsonia 20, 205-227
Chater, A.O.; Rich, T.C.G., 1995, Rorippa islandica (Oeder ex Murray) Borbás (Brassicaceae) in Wales. Watsonia 20, 229-238
Dawson, H.J. & Ingrouille, M.J. 1995. A biometric survey of Limonium vulgare Miller and L. humile Miller in the British Isles. Watsonia 20, 239-254
Preston, C.D., 1995, Potamogeton x schreberi G. Fisch. (P. natans L. x P. nodosus Poir.) in Dorset, new to the British Isles. Watsonia 20, 255-262
Jenkinson, M.N. 1995. A new variety of Narrow-leaved Marsh-orchid in South Hampshire (v.c. 11). Watsonia 20, 263-273
Nelson, E.C., 1995, Erica x stuartii: the authorship reconsidered. Watsonia 20, 275-278
, 1995, Short Notes. Watsonia 20, 279-284
- Dowlen, C.M.; Ho, T.N., 1995, Gentianella ciliata (L.) Borkh. in Wiltshire (v.c. 8)
- Palmer, R.C., 1995, A forgotten Shetland dandelion
- Scott, W.; Palmer, R.C., 1995, A new Shetland Hieracium of the Section Alpestria (Fries) F.N. Williams
Plant Records, 1995. Watsonia 20, 285-301
Book Reviews, 1995. Watsonia 20, 303-316
Obituaries, 1995. Watsonia 20, 317-326
- Fowler, B.R., 1995, Obit. of Eric Smoothey Edees (1907-1993), Watsonia, 20, 3, 317
- Newton, A., 1995, Eric Edees' contribution to British batology, Watsonia, 20, 3, 317-319
- Bull, A., 1995, Eric Edees, Norfolk and Norfolk brambles, Watsonia, 20, 3, 319-320
- Walters, S.M., 1995, Obit. of Richard William ('Dick') David (1912-1993), Watsonia, 20, 3, 320-321
- McClintock, D.; Burns, A., 1995, Obit of Kathleen Margaret Hollick (1913-1993), Watsonia, 20, 3, 322
- Primavesi, A.L., 1995, Obit. of Kenneth Guy Messenger (1920-1993), Watsonia, 20, 3, 322-323
- Meikle, R.D., 1995, Obit of Sir George Taylor (1904-1993), Watsonia, 20, 3, 324-325
- Preston, C.D., 1995, Sir George Taylor's studies of the genus Potamogeton, Watsonia, 20, 3, 325-326
Reports, 1995. Watsonia 20, 327-328
Kraft, T. & Nybom, H. 1995. DNA fingerprinting and biometry can solve some taxonomic problems in apomictic brackberries (Rubus subgen. Rubus). Watsonia 20, 329-343
Weber, H.E.; Bull, A.L., 1995, Rubus edeesii H.E. Weber & A.L. Bull (Rosaceae), a new bramble species from Britain and Germany. Watsonia 20, 345-349
Sell, P.D.; West, C.; Tennant, D.J., 1995, Eleven new British species of Hieracium L. section Alpina (Fries) F.N. Williams. Watsonia 20, 351-365
Stace, C.A.; Gornall, R.J.; Squirrell, J.; Shi, Y., 1995, Chromosome numbers in Hieracium L. section Alpina (Fries) F.N. Williams. Watsonia 20, 367-377
Hampton, M. & Kay, Q.O.N. 1995. Sorbus domestica L., new to Wales and the British Isles. Watsonia 20, 379-384
Trist, P.J.O., 1995, Elytrigia repens (L.) Desv. ex Nevski subsp. arenosa (Spenner) A. Löve (Poaceae) in north-western Europe. Watsonia 20, 385-390
Trist, P.J.O.; Butler, J.K., 1995, Puccinellia distans (Jacq.) Parl. subsp. borealis (O. Holmb.) W.E. Hughes (Poaceae) in mainland Scotland and the Outer Isles. Watsonia 20, 391-396
Crackles, F.E., 1995, A graphical analysis of the characters of Calamagrostis stricta (Timm) Koeler, C. canescens (Wigg.) Roth and their hybrid populations in S.E. Yorks., v.c. 61, northern England. Watsonia 20, 397-404
Notes. Watsonia 20, 405-418
- Akeroyd, J.R. & Beckett, G. Petrorhagia prolifera (L.) P.W. Ball & Heywood (Caryophyllaceae), an overlooked native species in eastern England
- Allen, D.E. Rubus percrispus D.E. Allen & R.D. Randall (Rosaceae) in Dorset (v.c. 9)
- Allen, D.E. Typification of Rubus pullifolius W.C.R. Watson (Rosaceae)
- Allen, D.E. Additional sets of continental Rubus exsiccatae in British herbaria
- Cronk, Q.C.B. & Marner, S.K. Lectotypification of Rosa rothschildii Druce (Rosaceae)
- Cronk, Q.C.B. & Primavesi, A.L. Further Druce Rosa taxa (Rosaceae)
- Halliday, G. Two subspecies of Festuca rubra L. new to England
- Holyoak, D.T. Rumex frutescens Thouars x R. obtusifolius L. (Polygonaceae), a previously undescribed hybrid dock, and new records of R. x wrightii Lousley in West Cornwall (v.c. 1)
- Preston, C.D. Potamogeton x cognatus Asch. & Graebn. at Loch Borralie, West Sutherland (v.c. 108), Scotland
- Welch, D. An early Scottish record of Rubus arcticus L. (Rosaceae)
Obituaries. Watsonia 20, 447-452
- Marjorie Devereau (1915-1994) by D.E. Allen
- Dorothy Mary Greene (1928-1994) by J.M. Croft & C.D. Preston
- Leonard Albert Livermore (1919-1994) by T.C.G. Rich
- Peter James Wanstall (1924-1993) by A.J. Harrington