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Watsonia vol. 5 (1961-63)


Cook, C.D.K. 1961. Sparganium in Britain. Watsonia 5, 1-10

Yeo, P.F. 1961. Germination, Seedlings, and the Formation of Haustoria in Euphrasia. Watsonia 5, 11-22

Roberts, R.H. 1961. Studies on Welsh Orchids I - The variation of Dactylochis purpurella (T. & T.A. Steph.) Vermuel. in North Wales. Watsonia 5, 23-36

Roberts, R.H. 1961. Studies on Welsh Orchids II - The occurrence of Dactylorchis majalis (Reichb.) Vermuel. in Wales. Watsonia 5, 37-42

Townsend, C.C. 1961. Geranium microphyllum Hook. f. as an adventive plant in Britain. Watsonia 5, 43-44

Allen, D.E. 1961. A New Variety of Valerianella locusta (L.) Betcke. Watsonia 5, 45-46

Cole, M.J. 1961. Interspecific relationships and intraspecific variation of Chenopodium album L. in Britain. I. The taxonomic delimitation of the species. Watsonia 5, 47-58

Laundon, J.R. 1961. An Australian species of Crassula introduced into Britain. Watsonia 5, 59-63

Rechinger, K.H. 1961. Notes on Rumex acetosa L. in the British Isles. Watsonia 5, 64-66

Coombe, D.E. 1961. Trifolium occidentale, a new species related to T. repens L. Watsonia 5, 68-87

Stace, C.A. 1961. Some studies in Calystegia: compatibility and hybridisation in C. sepium and C. silvatica. Watsonia 5, 88-105

Prime, C.T. 1961. Taxonomy and nomenclature in some species of the genus Arum. Watsonia 5, 106-109

Book Reviews. Watsonia 5 (1961), 110-111

Ball, P.W. & Heywood, V.H. 1962. The taxonomic separation of the cytological races of Kohlrauschia prolifera (L.) Kunth sensu lato. Watsonia 5, 113-116

Cole, M.J. 1962. Interspecific relationships and intraspecific variation of Chenopodium album L. in Britain. II. the chromosome numbers of C. album and other species. Watsonia 5, 117-122

Cook, C.D.K. 1962. Studies on Ranunculus L. subgenus Batrachium (DC.) A. Gray. I. Chromosome numbers. Watsonia 5, 123-126

Young, D.P. 1962. Studies in the British Epipactis. V. Epipactis leptochila; with some notes on E. dunensis and E. muelleri. Watsonia 5, 127-135

Young, D.P. 1962. Studies in the British Epipactis. VI. Some further notes on E. phyllanthes. Watsonia 5, 136-139

Young, D.P. 1962. Studies in the British Epipactis. VII. Seed dimensions and root diameters. Watsonia 5, 140-142

Townsend, C.C. 1962. Some notes on Galeopsis ladanum L. and G. angustifolia Ehrh. ex Hoffm. Watsonia 5, 143-149

Dalby, D.H. 1962. Chromosome number, morphology and breeding behaviour in the British Salicorniae. Watsonia 5, 150-162

Barling, D.M. 1962. Studies in the biology of Poa subcaerulea Sm. Watsonia 163-173

Book reviews. Watsonia 5, 174

Styles, B.T. 1962. The taxonomy of Polygonum aviculare and its allies in Britain. Watsonia 5, 177-214

Sell, P.D. & West, C. 1962. Notes on British Hieracia. II. The species of the Orkney Islands. Watsonia 5, 215-223

Yeo, P.F. 1962. A study of variation [in] Euphrasia by means of outdoor cultivation. Watsonia 5, 224-235

Proctor, M.C.F. 1962. The British forms of Tuberaria guttata (L.) Fourrreau. Watsonia 5, 236-249

Bradshaw, M.E., Sell, P.D. & Walters, S.M. 1963. The nomenclature of Alchemilla minor Auct. Brit. Watsonia 5, 259-261

Raven, P.H. 1963. Circaea in the British Isles. Watsonia 5, 262-272

Cousens, J.E. 1963.  Variation of some diagnostic characters of the sessile and pedunculate oaks and their hybrids in Scotland.  Watsonia 5, 273-286

Roberts, R.H. & Gilbert, O.L. 1963. The status of Orchis latifolia var. eborensis Godfery in Yorkshire. Watsonia 5, 287-293

Cook, C.D.K. 1963. Studies on Ranunculus L. subgenus Batrachium (DC.) A. Gray. II. General morphological considerations in the taxonomy of the subgenus. Watsonia 5, 294-303

Bradshaw, M.E. 1963. Studies on Alchemilla filicaulis Bus., sensu lato, and A. minima Walters. Introduction and I. Morphological variation in A. filicaulis, sensu lato. Watsonia 5, 304-320

Bradshaw, M.E. 1963. Studies on Alchemilla filicaulis Buser, sensu lato, and A. minima Walters. Watsonia 5, 321-326

Book review. Watsonia 5, 327

Walters, S.M. 1963. Eleocharis austriaca Hayek, a species new to the British Isles. Watsonia 5, 329-335

Smith, A.J.E. 1963. Variation in Melampyrum pratense. Watsonia 5, 336-367

Salisbury, E.J. 1963. Fertile seed production and self-incompatibility of Hypericum calycinum in England. Watsonia 5, 368-376

Dony, J.G. 1963. The expectation of plant records from prescribed areas. Watsonia 5, 377-385

Timson, J. 1963. The taxonomy of Polygonum lapathifolium L., P. nodosum Pers. and P. tomentosum Schrank. Watsonia 5, 386-395

Book reviews. Watsonia 5 (1963), 396-398